Phase 1 Assessments – Piper



1. Match the label to the picture of the device.

  1. Raspberry Pi microcontroller
  2. Mouse
  3. Speaker
  4. Display
  5. Battery Pack

2. Which of these is an HDMI cable for the display?


  1. Mouse
  2. Speaker
  3. Display
  4. USB Battery Pack

4. Which of these is an output from the Piper computer that puts out a signal?

  1. Mouse
  2. Speaker
  3. Raspberry Pi
  4. USB Battery Pack

5. Which of these provides power to the Piper computer?

  1. Mouse
  2. Speaker
  3. Raspberry Pi
  4. USB Battery Pack


6. Which of these is the micro computer?

  1. Mouse
  2. Speaker
  3. Raspberry Pi
  4. USB Battery Pack

7. The SD Card stores software like the OS, Minecraft games, and Apps

  1. True
  2. False
8. ____ is the physical components that you can touch on a computer, ____ is the digital components like the Operating System and Apps created with programs.
  1. Software, Hardware
  2. Hardware, Software
  3. CPU, Raspberry Pi
  4. Raspberry Pi, CPU